Ngā Marohitanga Whakahoki Kōrero | Proposals for Feedback

From time to time, Te Tatau o te Whare Kahu | Midwifery Council (the Council) seeks feedback on issues relating to midwifery regulation.

Here, you will find information about proposals on which the Council is seeking feedback. A summary of each and related documents for downloading can be found in the Relevant Documents section on this page.


Standards of Competence

Te Tatau o Te Whare Kahu / the Midwifery Council (the Council) is consulting on the revised Standards which we believe are both contemporary and inspirational and reflect the reality of modern midwifery in Aotearoa. 

The Standards of Competence have been reviewed to align with the new Scope of Practice and these are now ready to share for consultation. Standards of Competence issued by Te Tatau o te Whare Kahu | Midwifery Council, describe the minimum standards of practice for the midwifery profession in Aotearoa | New Zealand. Kahu pōkai | midwives are expected to at least meet these standards but many will likely exceed them over time. Please click here to read further about this consultation




Prescribed Qualification Consultation Document

Te Tatau o Te Whare Kahu / the Midwifery Council (the Council) is consulting with interested individuals, midwives, representatives of midwives, midwifery educators, and others in health and education sectors (stakeholders) on the prescribed qualifications for the Midwifery Scope of Practice. The Council is considering an alternative pathway to registration as a registered midwife - a pre-registration Master of Midwifery Practice Degree.  A pre-registration Master of Midwifery Practice Degree may appeal to graduates from other health disciplines seeking to become registered midwives.

Naming Policy Consultation closed 15 January 2024

The Council seeked feedback on its Naming Policy.

2024/2025 Disciplinary Levy and Annual Practising Certificate Fee Consultation closed 15 December 2023

The Council seeked feedback from the profession and stakeholder groups on a proposal to increase both the Disciplinary Levy and Annual Practising Certificate (APC) fee from 1st April 2024. The outcome statement can be found HERE.

Te Whakaū Tiwhikete | Recertification 2024 - 2027 Consultation closed 27 October

The Council seeked feedback on the proposed 2024-2027 Te Whakaū Tiwhikete | Recertification programme.

Partial First Year APC Fee Extension Feedback closed 06 October 2023

The Council seeked feedback on extending the timeframe in which new graduates qualify for the reduced APC currently prescribed. The partial first year Practising Certificate fee for New Zealand graduates who gain entry to the Register is $230 and applies to those who apply after 1st December and is for the remainder of the practising year. As a number of students will now be completing their programmes between October and December, Council proposed an extension of the reduced fee period from 1st October to 31st March.

Joint Consultation for Prescribing Practice closed 31 August 2023

The Council joined collaboratively with six other responsible authorities regulating health practitioners who can prescribe therapeutic products in Aotearoa to create the Prescribing Principles for quality and safe prescribing practice.

Revised Scope of Practice statement closed on 29 April 2022. Round 2 closed on 21 November 2022

The Council sought feedback on the revised Scope of Practice statement. Based on the received feedback, the Council will make a few necessary adjustments to the Scope statement and then communicate next steps once this is completed. You can access the initial feedback report based on the first round of feedback HERE. The report from the second round of feedback can be found HERE. Both reports are also available in the relevant documents section of this page.

Annual Practising Certificate Fees 2022/23 closed on 28 January 2022

The Council proposed to increase the Annual Practising Certificate Fee. The Council wished to gather views from the sector to inform its decision on a proposed fee increase.

Midwifery-Led Abortion Care closed on 19 November 2021

The Council recently sought feedback on a proposal to regulate Midwifery-Led Abortion Care as an additional scope of practice for midwives.

Recertification Programme for Midwives closed on 15 November 2021

The Council requested feedback on proposed changes to the Recertification Programme for the period 01 April 2022 – 31 March 2023.

2021-2022 Fees for midwives closed on 08 January 2021

The Council sought feedback from practitioners and stakeholders on proposed APC fees for midwives. Details were set out in the consultation document found in the downloadable resources to the right. A Council meeting to discuss submissions and to make a decision was held in early January 2021; once a decision was made by the Council, the 2021/22 APC fee was published in the New Zealand Gazette.

Naming Policy consultation closed on 15 January 2020

The Council consulted on a draft Naming Policy, which was required to be developed as a result of the April 2019 amendments to the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (the HPCAA). Following this round of consultation, the feedback from the maternity sector and other stakeholders will be considered, and the draft policy may be further revised prior to being finalised at the next Council meeting. The policy is required to be in place by 11 April 2020.