Section 1 - Enter your contact details

Contact Preferences

Who are you referring this on behalf of?

Section 2 - The Registered Midwife concerned

*If your complaint is about a student - please contact the student's school of midwifery.*

Relevant Information

Please upload any relevant or supporting documentation

File uploader 1
  • Allowed file formats are: pdf;doc;docx;jpeg;jpg;png
  • The maximum file size allowed is 4 MB
File uploader 2
  • Allowed file formats are: pdf;doc;docx;jpeg;jpg;png
  • The maximum file size allowed is 4 MB
File uploader 3
  • Allowed file formats are: pdf;doc;docx;jpeg;jpg;png
  • The maximum file size allowed is 4 MB
I understand that: 
  • the Council will send my complaint to the midwife (with my contact details removed)
  • the Council will ask the midwife to respond to my complaint
  • my complaint cannot be anonymous
  • once my complaint has been submitted it cannot be withdrawn